Dakini Wisdom
There is a question; what is a Dakini? I invite the wisdom of the Dakinis to answer, and allow the fluid rhythm pulse of the ocean of goddess to move through like a gentle waterfall. Do you hear the gentle whisperings of the Dakini in nature? It is where the wisdom and love of the sacred feminine resides. Within the nooks and crannies, hidden in caverns, opening out into the sunlight; it is where the ocean meets the rain, and the above falls and merges with the below. In the imagination and remembering of all that is beauty, bubbling up from the wellsprings of pachamama's embrace with heaven. That is where you will find the language of Dakini uncovered.Dakinis are primordial divine feminine essences, catapulting the consciousness of our newly arisen feminine spirits to enter into their power and usher in the era of grace. Dakinis are the birdsongs whispering through the hair tresses of every woman, inviting a union with their full potential and joyful embrace of all that is true. To be one within and to be one without. To be be within the one and surrendered to the languageless echoes of soft sound, where the feminine speaks in poetics and channels the fire of celestial song.I have glimpsed the Dakinis before, in sacred medicine ceremony, in peru. They came to me, hovering above me and they appeared as the eternally shapeshifting form of every feminine deity known across the planet. The divine mother in every form, that sings in the celestial language of light, that seeks to embody the pure frequency of bliss. And they seek to help heal the earth now, to help embody the infinite truth that is culminating in the heart of every woman that is willing to listen to the wisdom from within.Have you too heard the song, have you too been touched by the embrace of this sinuous longing to open to the divine feminine keys that are unlocking your doorway to your love, power, peace and graceful contentment? There is a wave sweeping across the planet and it is being heeded by the hearts of an inexhaustible flame of women who are listening to the desire to arise. We are here to assist in the upliftment of all women to their rightful, authentic embodiment. Listen; We know that every woman is unique, and like every unique woman, every feminine deity is too unique. There is room in the pantheon of divine Dakini wisdom for saintly perfection; all frequencies are accessed, and the whore is simply another sacred ray of the divine feminine. As women, we have all been whores, and we have all been trampled upon by the debris of a bloated, sickeneed masculine lethargy. The consequences have been devastating, and they have fostered dissonance and isolation among the widespread band of women, thus, there has been much work to do to help restabilize the truth that is inherent within each woman. There is no right or wrong. There is only unknown, and within the unknown, we are allowed to witness the clarity of the great mystery.And the dakinis are present to dance, hovering before us, to remind us how to electrify our soul, how to move our hips, how to undulate our ecstasy and bring full embodiment of our divine essence into our authentic selves. So, we are here to encourage the completion of your unique ray and to inspire your wisdom unfolding from within. Please go to the river, and listen to the whisper in the tree trunks, listen to the sounds rippling across breeze pools, listen to the angels smiling in flowers, and remember to be sensitive to that silent wisdom.
In the unfoldment of every heart of every woman is a wise dakini awaiting the truth to lift the veil, and allow full recognition and full vision of ones own inner sanctum. The dakinis are celestial sky dancers awaiting your heart's ascent to the divine ray that you are an embodiment of.In light and truth and silent wisdom ~The Dakinis