Hello to the 1%, Be a Real Human Being

The current situation with #OccupyWallStreet is a powerful statement that has been waiting for its moment to arise, and finally the collective voice is exploding. I am grateful to those thousands of people who are converging in New York and all over the country to begin a culture-wide dialogue about the real underpinnings of the inequity of our current economic & social system.One of the things that keeps coming back to my mind is the idea that the people who own the banks, who own the big multi-national corporations and the people who own the government are like selfish children who forgot how to play nice and share with others. These are humans who have forgotten how to be human and have forgotten what a responsibility it is to gather massive resources. These people have fallen under the idea-spell that the purpose of life is to gain wealth, and that gaining wealth is to acquire more and more, to endlessly hoarde that wealth and keep living in an isolated bubble of wealth and elitist aristocracy far away from the real lives of down to earth working class people everywhere. These people have billions and trillions of dollars worth of assets that they are holding onto, whilst countless others around the planet are struggling to survive. It is truly on their conscience and it is their responsibility to start giving back to the rest of humanity, beyond feel-good donations to charities. It is time that they develop a conscience & compassion and level the playing field and give back to their fellow citizens and show how truly selflessly they can give and share.I am not naive, and I know that these people have no intention of sharing with others or releasing their insatiable hunger to hoard more wealth and resources. And I know that these people probably think they are above the law and can get away with anything they want; that's what bribing the NYPD with 4.6 million dollars is for. At this point, the pyramid scheme of the American Government & Financial Sector is so transparent that it's beyond fake, and the tipping point in American consciousness is nearly arriving. My only hope is that more and more people drop their skepticism and really look at the truth with wide open eyes and see the clouds for the rain.One of the biggest challenges, however, to this shifting of consciousness in America is that we are all collectively inspired and programmed to be successful according to an image of affluence that is unrealistic, unsustainable & inspired by the wealthy elite. The problem with that, is that in order to attain that level of affluence that we are programmed to aspire to, we must become so detached from other humans and our impact on the environment that we lose touch with what it means to be really human. Instead, we become just another elitist marching along with the social programming enforced upon us by the pyramid scheme of the top 1%.


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