Receiving Resonance Medicine
Listen to the sounds surrounding you now. Open your ears. What do you hear? In every moment, we are saturated in a vibrational field of sounds, resonating within the cellular chamber of our body. Our body receives every sound and energy pulsing through it, from the dump truck picking up trash first thing in the morning, to the sound of a bus beeping as it backs up, to the sound of a hummingbird hovering just above us out of reach, to the undulating pulsings of a deep throat singing tone. Every sound registers in our body, and if we are present enough to the sensations in our body as we sit in a Modern Urban environment, we can learn how to become vibrationally aware to the degree that our bodies are being constantly thwarted in its attempt to reside in a peaceful state of homeostasis. Our bodies have the capacity to experience deep states of blissfulness, relaxation and pleasure. And likewise, our bodies have the tremendous capacity to be overwhelmed by stress, tension, pain and irritation.
Full Body Presence
Yesterday, I discovered an essay by Suzanne Scurlock Durana, entitled 'A Guide to Full-Body-Presence' in the recent issue of Massage Magazine. What perfect timing. I've been feeling low energy, depleted, verging on depressed and unable to show up and be present, these last few days. I'd awoken this morning with that feeling of being slammed over the head by a frying pan; headachey and irritated at feeling so crummy. My roommate, Keala, reminded me to revitalize my Chi this morning, by doing breathwork, and exercising, and getting some fresh air. I didn't know how I would be able to truly come and meet the day today, so I prayed fervently, and then spent a half hour doing some basic chi cultivation movements, breathwork, and strengthening of my arms and core with weights. And then all of a sudden, I felt vitality slowly seep in.In her article, Suzanne talks about the importance of Full Body Presence to other bodywork practitioners, and the need for "a strong flow of healthy energy moving through" the body. I think this is crucial for every human being, not only for massage therapists and other alternative healer practitioners. She goes on to say:
"While left-brained intelligence that helps us understand anatomy and physiology is vital in our practices, we are all called now to more whole-body knowing. We must learn to remain present in all of our cells, trusting and living from the wisdom of our being. So don’t throw out your left-brain education; just add your gut knowing, your heart’s whisper of inspiration, and round that out with the inner vision of who you truly are."