Boundless Gratitude
I have now successfully facilitated three Ecstatic Medicine Vocal Circles! The third gathering was last night, and it filled my heart and soul full of so much gratitude and joy! A massive, undestroyable smile was etched across my face by the end of the gathering, and the gratitude from the participants was also so sweet and loving.I have so much to be grateful for, and so much gratitude within me! And in transformational times such as these, I feel it is so crucial to spill out the gratitude, because there truly is a love and peace centered earth in existence NOW and available to all! And for this we should all be grateful! And also, in my experience, I personally feel the living, breathing, tangible presence of the unified field of spiritual wholeness supporting my reality every single day, and without this 'Health Support System' from the spiritual or angelic realm, I would be falling on my face. I live because of this interwoven support system, and am completely indebted to it.Two years ago, I finally had the opportunity to be in ceremonial presence of my most esteemed and cherished shamanic teacher, Martin Prechtel. He had a massive amount of potency to the medicine he brought to all of us, but one thing still sticks with me. That is within the Mayan cosmology, of which he is modern culture hearth-bearer, there is a belief that all beings in the community must become indebted to each other in order to live. There is no idea of becoming debt-less, and the idea of having no debt is audacious to them. The idea is that we are all indebted to life, simply by virtue of being born a human and taking our first human footsteps. We are indebted to the earth, we are indebted to our mothers for carrying us, we are indebted to the plants and food for supporting us and offering us nourishment. And this indebtedness requires great humility and gratitude to all. This indebtedness and gratitude requires that we make offerings to the spirits to maintain wholeness of the interwoven fabric of life, of which we are indebted to. Without this interwoven fabric of life, of which every human is indebted to, none of us would exist! But so many humans are "collectively hypnotized into a view of reality that is fixed, confined, limiting, and nothing short of imprisonment," (Link) lacking any awareness that there is a living, breathing universe that is not only here to Support us, Nourish Us, Sustain Us, but actively present to Help us EVOLVE to the NEXT LEVEL! But this flat-earth theory, that sees reality as only materialistic, and stripped of the true essence of life force cohesive in a spiritual unifying field, lacks MAGIC, lacks grace, lacks meaning, and becomes truly nihilistic and self-destructive.. Which are the characteristics of our self-destructive culture at large; ego-maniacal, greedy, destructive and fraught with carelessness towards the repercussions on any level. And it's sad, and I feel painful pity for those who have no bearing of a reality perception that has love and gratitude towards the universe at the center of its construction. (Link to Potent Drunvalo Melchizedek Interview Video on these Subjects)Yes we are truly in the midst of transformational times on Planet Earth, it seems everyone is profoundly aware of the shifts that seem to be happening and intersecting every person's lives. And as Tom Kenyon describes it, there is an opportunity for advancement, and ascending on the upward spiral movement of the spiritual path to be in freedom and to create heaven on earth, to follow our hearts and heal. And there will be a path of dissolution, destruction of old paradigm ways of existing - and that will create great instability in the fixed institutions (Government, Banking, Religions) that have maintained the seemingly fixed reality of The American Way of Life as we know it.I don't know about you, but I will take the ascending upward spiral staircase towards the embodiment of Heaven on Earth, thank you very much! I'm already living in it, and I am DEEPLY Grateful! I would totally like to invite all those individuals out there who feel like they have no idea how to step on the upward spiral staircase, and who feel wrought by the frustrating and challenging circumstances that they feel overwhelmed by, and begin by focusing on your intentions, making an offering of some kind, praying your heart into it with the fullness of your feeling, letting it go, and then allowing for yourself to follow your heart - follow the crumb trail of bliss, peace, surrender, forgiveness, wholeness, and love in your life.In saying this, I would like to acknowledge with big gratitude the angels in my life, the sweethearts, support system, generous love-centered people, and Mr. Henry West.Henry was the person who introduced me to the books of Martin Prechtel approximately 9 years ago. He found me during the times of my very old online diaryland journal back in the day when I was still a sophomore in college, and he sent me gifts and has always been generous towards me. If it weren't for his gift of sending 'Long Life, Honey in the Heart' to me, who knows where I would be today. Truly. His one tiny gift of a book changed the course of my life, as it steered me towards a direction that lead me to begin a spiritual pilgrimage 6 years ago, to move to the west coast, to follow my heart and miraculous synchronicities, to go to Lake Atitlan three years ago, and to ultimately devote myself to healing on all levels - to heal my heart, which lead to the work with ayahuasca and even now to Massage School, which I am nearing the completion of. And, Henry has also been a profoundly generous friend in helping me pay for and complete my massage school program. THANK YOU, Henry!So I'm sending out big gratitude to the YOUNIVERSE, that wholeness that supports the interwoven thread of life and is totally present in sacred ceremony of song! May we all heal and lift our hearts up to the divine!