Receiving Resonance Medicine
Listen to the sounds surrounding you now. Open your ears. What do you hear? In every moment, we are saturated in a vibrational field of sounds, resonating within the cellular chamber of our body. Our body receives every sound and energy pulsing through it, from the dump truck picking up trash first thing in the morning, to the sound of a bus beeping as it backs up, to the sound of a hummingbird hovering just above us out of reach, to the undulating pulsings of a deep throat singing tone. Every sound registers in our body, and if we are present enough to the sensations in our body as we sit in a Modern Urban environment, we can learn how to become vibrationally aware to the degree that our bodies are being constantly thwarted in its attempt to reside in a peaceful state of homeostasis. Our bodies have the capacity to experience deep states of blissfulness, relaxation and pleasure. And likewise, our bodies have the tremendous capacity to be overwhelmed by stress, tension, pain and irritation.
Ecstatic Medicine Reflections
This summer I have been facilitating Ecstatic Medicine Vocal Circles as a workshop coordinator at several festivals: Emrg'n'See, Mystic Garden Party, Beloved Festival with the next and final workshop festival facilitating occuring at Symbiosis. This has been an amazing experience for myself as a facilitator, and I feel that I have been learning a lot about how to be a facilitator and guide through these experiences, and have been receiving nothing but amazing feedback and love from my work. For this, I am so grateful - and I am looking forward to returning to next year's festivals to facilitate more workshops, hopefully to build my practice to include more Qi Gong, and to have an album to be able to offer to all those who have expressed interest.
Boundless Gratitude
I have now successfully facilitated three Ecstatic Medicine Vocal Circles! The third gathering was last night, and it filled my heart and soul full of so much gratitude and joy! A massive, undestroyable smile was etched across my face by the end of the gathering, and the gratitude from the participants was also so sweet and loving. I have so much to be grateful for, and so much gratitude within me! And in transformational times such as these, I feel it is so crucial to spill out the gratitude, because there truly is a love and peace centered earth in existence NOW and available to all! And for this we should all be grateful! And also, in my experience, I personally feel the living, breathing, tangible presence of the unified field of spiritual wholeness supporting my reality every single day, and without this 'Health Support System' from the spiritual or angelic realm, I would be falling on my face. I live because of this interwoven support system, and am completely indebted to it.