Thoughts on Haitian Earthquake

Thoughts on Haitian Earthquake

As I sift through the rubble and shattered lives through the images & videos & news on the internet, my heart feels extremely heavy, and sad. I sit here, in New York City, in the capital of the American financial industry, in one of the crucial centers of wealth and global imperialism, looking through the internet at the wreckage of the earthquake, in one of the many historically impoverished nations in this world. And I wonder, why are the the places that are the most in need, the places where the people have so much to lose because they had so little to begin with, the places where the poverty is so high, why are these places continually targeted by natural disasters? The last several major disasters that come to my mind were all regions where many numbers of impoverished people lived.... Haiti, New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, the SE Asian Tsunami, the Hurricane in Guatemala............ (letting out a deep, sad sigh....)

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Multiple Reality Disorder

Multiple Reality Disorder

These days, we seem to each be experiencing our own unique realities, wholly unique to ourselves. In modern America, there are many universally agreed upon experiences in the consensual reality, such as monetary systems, coffee cups, tables, chairs, cars and facebook. Yet it seems we are all beginning to fragment into highly specialized, unique to ourselves reality perspectives that have been created & enforced by our experiences, habits, education, belief systems and intuitions. Sometimes we find similar people - kindred "tribe" who speak our language and seem to embody a familiar reality frequency, and with them, we feel at home, comfortable, & safe. With others, we may distrust or judge, because they seem to embody a wholly different slice of the reality pie. How do we create peace on earth - a harmonious, working, functioning, thriving, mutually supportive ecosystem of interlocking web of relationships that are not based upon oppression or taking advantage of others? In a world where we are all increasingly emerging from a narrow bandwidth of the reality pie, how do we each embody and make our slice of the reality pie accessible to others?

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Songs are the Key to Heaven

Songs are the Key to Heaven

I am guided by dreams. My life's trajectory has been directly influenced by dreams and visions. Once, several years ago at a party in Portland, I had this very profound psychedelic experience, which had been awaken only through chanting and dancing. I found myself outside next to the curb, feeling this strong sense that in order to be allowed into Heaven, you must learn how to sing a heavenly song. Your heart must feel it so deeply that your heart pours forth, becoming the key, through the frequency of feeling from the soul of the song. That was the sense I received in that moment. This sense echoed through to years later, when I woke up from a dream I had in Cusco Peru, the morning of my first visit to Saqsaywaman and my encounter with a random young Quechuan gentleman who toured me around Saqsaywaman, making Coca Leaf offerings and doing meditations at various sites. That morning, I had awoken from the most profound Lucid dream, which gave to me a clear vision of my life's work and what my purpose on earth is. I share with you the journalled story fresh from that moment, in June of 2007.

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Ideological Compassion
Compassion Compassion

Ideological Compassion

How can we as a humanity come together and create a harmonious society if we are so fragmented by our belief systems and by our judgments of each other? We could never create a common vision when we are so splintered by the way we are attached to our belief systems about material objects such as fur or cars or houses or real estate or fetuses. And we could never create a peaceful world when we judge each other and attack each other based on the assumption that my perspective is the correct perspective and everyone else's perspective is flawed. Everyone thinks they're on top of the ball game and that their perspective of reality is the standard truth, because their reality reflects that back to them. Watch a buddhist tell a millionaire real estate agent to drop his attachment to material possessions and the millionaire will think the buddhist is crazy.

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Our Transformational Times

Our Transformational Times

Given the current nature of global affairs, we have become consumed with placing our wagers on what's next as the "global economic crisis" event unfolds across the headlines. We have been feeling tremoring waves of this expectable event for some time now, and it should come to no surprise to John McCain and any other ostrich-heads-stuck-in-sand folks that the fundamental basis of our economy is dubious & unsustainable, and that there really is a transformational process unfolding on planet Earth currently. Is it surprising to anyone that as we walk daily towards 2012, and we walk daily towards a future of incredible technological innovation and the mandatory necessity of an eco-sustainability-centered future, that we will be confronted with every dirty aspect of the collective unconsciousness.

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